VideoAvatar is a tool for creating animated GIF avatars, userpics and signatures.
The program allows you to choose the video file, select your desired part and then crop it for your avatar, userpic or signature. You can in this way create original video avatars for your blogs or journals, or you can set userpics in your profile page for any forums, communities, your website, etc.
Video Avatar supports input from video formats such as avi, asf, mp4, mpg, mpeg, mov, wmv. You can control every aspect of the output files, like the width, height, Frames Per Second and reverse mode. After converting you will got an animated GIF with the pixel size, quality, and frames that you set. This file can be later modified using ani Animated Gif Editor.
The program can be run in English, German, Portuguese, French, Dutch and Norwegian.
If you are using the unregistered version of the program, it will place a small watermark in the lower bottom of the resulting file. If you want to remove that watermark, you should buy the program.
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